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File: 1616608468896.jpg -(170374 B, 1200x675) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
170374 No.480   [Reply]

ITT Cute Baby Otters*!!!*

59 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3327  
File: 1673565412583.jpg -(27752 B, 473x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I can't get over how small and cute baby otts are!

>> No.3375  
File: 1675898933890.png -(174346 B, 235x314) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Baby sea otters bring so much floof into our world

>> No.3390  

It's incredible how such a small little thing turns into a real otter.

>> No.3585  

Found this on the news section, looks like we've got some new otters in Connecticut!

>> No.3586  

>>3585 Awesome! I hope they'll thrive.

File: 1681067836588.jpg -(108576 B, 550x824) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
108576 No.3568   [Reply]

Happy Easter everybody! Hope everyone is having a good one full of celebration, if you partake.

>> No.3569  
File: 1681067860383.jpg -(255216 B, 600x606) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3571  
File: 1681095647336.jpg -(271672 B, 956x1059) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hoppy Easter everyone!

File: 1678319393298.jpg -(33697 B, 680x374) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
33697 No.3470   [Reply]

Otters don't just hunt in the water, they'll often hunt small mammals like rabbits too. It's kind of impressive that an otter was quick enough to catch a rabbit, tbh.

(Captured by Alan Kennedy in South Uist, Scotland)

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>> No.3504  

What a catch, it's not easy to catch a rabbit even as a land predator. I'm sure that otter's family was very happy that day

>> No.3508  

It was definitely a hard fought meal, what with how quick bunnies can be, but the otter obviously came out on top! And I'm sure his family loved it, rabbit does taste good after all

>> No.3515  
File: 1679205478534.jpg -(123546 B, 1200x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters can get a surprising amount of birds, from what I can tell. Here's one with another kind of bird, not sure what type

>> No.3516  
File: 1679237293182.jpg -(189837 B, 1200x799) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's awesome! Must be some kind of aquatic bird?

Here's another rabbit otter.

>> No.3546  
File: 1679829613793.mp4 -(7298896 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And this one! From River Otter Ecology Project.

File: 1643236832125.jpg -(80797 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
80797 No.2187   [Reply]

Otter news from around the globe! Will update weekly. It's keyword based so there will be a few irrelevant links, but enjoy regardless

>> No.2188  
File: 1643253336176.jpg -(77555 B, 500x375) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Good stuff, glad there's a reliable place to get otter news! Also, https://www.sidmouthherald.co.uk/news/otter-raids-fishpond-at-otter-garden-centre-8645440

>otter raids fishpond

You can't keep the ott out

>> No.2189  

Correction, I've set it to update daily so you'll always be up to date with otter happenings.


>Otter Garden

And they don't even wanna let otters in? What kinda business is this?

>> No.2193  
File: 1643397872715.jpg -(231245 B, 754x394) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Europe's oldest sea otter died :(
Micas lived in Lisbon Oceanarium and died at age 20

>> No.3545  

News are back online!

File: 1677633141658.jpg -(306796 B, 1378x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
306796 No.3425   [Reply]

Today I found out there are otter bugs.

>The Great diving beetle is a large and voracious predator of ponds and slow-moving waterways. Blackish-green in colour, it can be spotted coming to the surface to replenish the air supply it stores beneath its wing cases.
>> No.3426  

It's a cool bug, I like the colour. What other animals have otter versions?

>> No.3473  
File: 1678362422728.jpg -(285924 B, 1920x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cormorants! I learned that these birds are excellent swimmers, and they can dive up to 45 meters deep. How cool is that?

I had thought penguins might be otter-birds, but they're more like sea lions than otters I'd say.

>> No.3534  


>45 meters

I wonder if they ever get the bends.

File: 1678226499599.jpg -(372179 B, 1440x1081) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
372179 No.3449   [Reply]

How often do sea otters go on land? Are they as nimble on land as their river cousins?

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3523  
File: 1679347170075.jpg -(34317 B, 720x479) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

After doing some research, they occasionally get on land in a process called hauling out. From what I can tell, they do it to get away from predators and to help warm up. Makes sense that getting on land would be warmer than the cold ocean water, and I can't think of any land predators in those regions that would target sea otters, so it seems like a good place to go and relax a bit:lol:

>> No.3525  
File: 1679348357147.jpg -(54725 B, 750x393) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>3523 Hauling out? Isn't that what it's called when seals go on land? Idk, sea otters can kinda still walk, they don't really "haul", do they?

>> No.3526  

That's true, hauling might not be the best term. But I think it might be a general behavior applied to marine mammals, which would encompass both seals and sea otters. I'm far from an expert, this is just what I got from a quick Googling

>> No.3530  

Oh right, so it's a marine mammal thing. I wonder if it applies to other marine mammals? Maybe just those that live in the sea a majority of the time?

>> No.3531  

Wolves do hunt sea otters in Alaska, but they've only started doing this after all the deer disappeared.


File: 1654038614252.gif -(24538 B, 90x90) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24538 No.2604   [Reply]

I found this old otter message board that lived from 1998 to the early 2000s, it's pretty interesting to click through

Looks like a board for Otters is an idea almost as old as the internet itself

9 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3312  

I've also discovered this, there was actually a newsgroup about otters. There's a lot of spam and nonsense but fun to click through nonetheless.

>> No.3313  

One thing I'd like to have more of is all the personal otter encounter stories, but sadly that's a very rare thing and we are only few, so we won't get those kinds of tales often

>> No.3316  
File: 1672299056877.jpg -(1592921 B, 2292x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sometimes I wonder how much we should advertise Otterchat. On the one hand, more otternons is always a good thing, but on the other hand, rapid influxes of new people always worry me. But maybe I'm just being a Nervous Nancy about it

>> No.3318  

Personally, I think just telling friends about it is enough. Direct advertising usually doesn't work at all, people just need to discover this place naturally by finding something they're looking for in it. The way the internet is right now, maybe that's a little hard for most people, but I think this place is already pretty successful as it is considering how niche of a topic it covers.

>> No.3493  

At this point I see no problem with advertising the site. We've got a captcha to keep unqualified posters out, so we should be able to advertise as much as we want. We should still be smart about it of course, don't just spam links or anything.

File: 1654485370887.jpg -(2935105 B, 4000x3000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2935105 No.2646   [Reply]

Otters are so cool, I wanna be like one. How do I learn to become otter?

10 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3399  

>>2676 Always being curious is a big part of what makes an otter an otter. Even if something seems boring and mundane at first glance, just take a moment to take it in and appreciate it. And maybe it'll turn out to be something fascinating.

>> No.3475  

It reminds me of the Prophet's saying, "The Paradise is surrounded by hardships".

>> No.3478  

The principle of getting in the water also points toward the merits of self-discipline and commitment. The water may not be enjoyable or pleasant. It may be cold and uncomfortable. But the water is rewarding all the same. There is something to be gained from getting in the water. Something that is greater than the unpleasant feeling that comes from getting in it. You may make that leap into the water, and you may catch a fish or a crab, and then eat and be satisfied for the rest of the day. Those few minutes in the water getting over your own aversion to the discomfort of being in the aquatic environment brought you something much better than just avoiding having to endure the water for a short while.

This is a lesson for us, too. When the prophet said that Paradise is surrounded by hardships, he was referring to the trials and hardships a believer endures in this life to gain the ultimate reward in the next. There are unpleasant and uncomfortable things in our lives which we endure because we know that they will bring us to a better outcome.

Why do otters get in the water? To catch the fish. You don't just have to ask yourself what the water is, but what the fish is, as well. Not only what it is you may have to endure, but what you hope to gain from it.

>> No.3487  

I like this thread

>> No.3489  

This is pretty swell, thanks for sharing!

File: 1632090913003.jpg -(194390 B, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
194390 No.1783   [Reply]

Otters are wonderful friends, but sometimes... they don't get along.

Or maybe they do it for fun?

Here is some otter wrestling.

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>> No.2442  
File: 1651079488348.jpg -(63097 B, 599x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2436 either a fight or very fierce love.

>> No.2453  

Otters love hard and fight hard

>> No.2454  

>>2453 Passionate otters!

>> No.2758  

They definitely do it for fun, playfighting is simply one of otter's many sports.

>> No.3488  
File: 1678624335900.jpg -(123906 B, 858x536) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2436 You just can't tell sometimes.

File: 1614459007153.jpg -(1865806 B, 2547x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1865806 No.172   [Reply]


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>> No.1153  
File: 1623533159599.jpg -(525201 B, 1600x1236) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1155  

A lot of the great natural processes will involve otters in some capacity

>> No.1157  

In a perfect world.
Dubdubs confirm that's the way it's supposed 2b.

>> No.2257  
File: 1645314553865.jpg -(46991 B, 600x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

1000 miles per hour

>> No.3462  

These are magnificent

File: 1648222826646.jpg -(447789 B, 850x664) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
447789 No.2340   [Reply]

Every time I see an otter, I always say "otter"

Does anyone else do this?

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>> No.2354  

Otters are candy for the eyes

Sounds like a funny otter picture, can you post it?

>> No.2584  

I like saying otter

>> No.2663  

>>2341 I hope you see otters soon

>> No.2665  


>Otters are candy for the eyes

Except otters are good for you.

>> No.3450  

I've shortened it by now, I just say 'ter

File: 1616854862413.jpg -(97828 B, 1199x901) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
97828 No.572   [Reply]

Otters love their buckets.

58 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3116  

I like to believe this was a two otter job, where the first one deliberately distracted the human so the second could execute the grab. A well planned otter heist.

>> No.3117  

>>3116 Perhaps. Or maybe the second otter just saw a good opportunity to grab that bucket. Not planned, but well executed.

>> No.3118  

Though have to say otters seem like animals that are enough in tune with each other to plan complex things like that. They'd be able to solve problems together like (how do we steal the guy's bucket without him noticing).

>> No.3443  
File: 1678169365954.jpg -(221731 B, 1200x754) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How about a bucket full of water? I believe humans call that a pool

>> No.3447  

>>3443 That would be perfect for otters.
And that pic is just the cutest!

File: 1616704344565.jpg -(383719 B, 2048x1365) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
383719 No.531   [Reply]

I love the way otters heads stick out of the water when they swim. Imagine seeing such a sight in the wild.
Otters are perfectly crafted to swim. Their eyes, ears and nose are perfectly lined up so they can keep a low profile in the water whil still being able to breathe.

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>> No.3371  
File: 1675880308384.mp4 -(1765101 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's better with friends and family.

>> No.3372  

>>3371 us

>> No.3374  

>>3372 as your fellow otterpal, I heartily agree!

>> No.3431  
File: 1677923692573.jpg -(278996 B, 1728x1152) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3445  
File: 1678218086267.jpg -(222111 B, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Those are defintely his

File: 1614123418588.jpg -(18890 B, 540x405) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
18890 No.82   [Reply]

Let's have a otter book thread
What's your favourite otter-themed book?

Anons back on 8chan posted these wonderful lists of lots of nice titles.

Also it would be nice if we could get PDF uploads on here.

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>> No.3122  

This is so cool! Might pick it up as a Christmas gift to myself.

>> No.3379  
File: 1676060675402.jpg -(170310 B, 267x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A Ring of Bright Water (1960) and its sequels are an amazing set of autobiographical novels about Gavin Maxwell and his lutrine companions.

I recommend them ONLY to the stout of heart, though (especially the latter ones), as they get exceedingly sad.

But if you're into otters (if you're not, why are you reading this thread!), reading (see my previous parentheses), and you don't mind a little sadness, definitely check out A Ring of Bright Water!

>> No.3389  

Thanks for sharing this! How do you think the book compares to the film? I'd love to give it a read if I weren't so lazy about reading heh

>> No.3395  

I think the movie is at least as good for otter enjoyers... perhaps better? But for someone more interesting in Maxwell (or the writing in general), the book is obviously superior. If you're lazy about reading, the movie'll probably be fine lol.

>> No.3417  

It's more for beginner otterlovers, but there are lots of good testimonials and pics of otts in this. It's by the otter specialist group! https://weloveotterscom.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/the_otter_book_definitivo_web.pdf

File: 1640168416927.mp4 -(1506462 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1506462 No.2089   [Reply]

MP4 and Webm thread.

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>> No.2757  

looks like one of those otter cafes, evil places.

>> No.3402  
File: 1677101444923.mp4 -(1152438 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3403  

>>3402 Nice squeaks. Did you take this anon?

>> No.3412  

Sadly no. A friend sent it to me.

>> No.3413  

>>2757 The otters are still cute, though.

File: 1614340651494.jpg -(565414 B, 2048x1365) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
565414 No.119   [Reply]

Otters seem to enjoy themselves the most with all that white stuff around. Post some snowy otters.

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>> No.3282  

>>3278 So cool, what an amazing pair of otters! It's lovely seeing them twirl around underwater.

>> No.3296  

I'd bet some of it is that otters check stuff out by sniffing it, and so that's the first part of the otter that touches something with snow

>> No.3302  

>>3296 That's what I thought too. You stick your nose into everything,eventually something's gonna stick back.

>> No.3391  

Otters have to work a little harder for their food in the snow but they also get to enjoy themselves playing in it, so it's a fair trade right?

>> No.3411  
File: 1677326200092.png -(106520 B, 247x246) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


File: 1671177142869.gif -(392148 B, 220x220) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
392148 No.3292   [Reply]

I want to get your opinions on Japanese Asian Short Clawed Otter YouTubers such at Kotaro, Aty, Loutre etc.

Seeing these cute, carefully edited videos showing otters looking like perfect pets has me worried about the impact on the already endangered species. Whether they're in some Osaka café or at a scenic river, these videos are only encouraging more pet owners and poachers.

I don't care about how many thousands of people enjoy their videos, what matters is that wild otters are left alone.

P.S. I love the Captcha :)

>> No.3293  

It's true, this is a big issue unfortunately. These kinds of videos lead to the impression that it's as easy to keep a pet otter as a dog or cat. It's made a big business out of poaching. Organized criminals killing otter mums and stealing their pups to sell them off. And these youtubers know this and continue, they keep their many millions of followers in the dark about this and keep up the facade. These people have more publicity than anyone in the otter conservation space could dream to have, but they're just interested in supplying cute videos for the masses. I don't watch any of these pet otter channels anymore.

>> No.3297  

I wish that I could enjoy these videos. I'll admit it, they are certainly cute, but the fact that they're so cute isn't helping the otters, because it just encourages more poachers to go out and harm wild otters. I've stopped watching them, and I wish that there was some sort of way to raise awareness about how harmful these channels are to otters, but I don't know how we could get that message out to the people that need to hear it

>> No.3406  

It's unfortunate how popular these videos are. Too many people don't know.

File: 1676821157392.png -(412112 B, 940x470) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
412112 No.3396   [Reply]

Conversation Chat UK are holding a webinar about the European Otter, focussing on the history of the speices in the UK as well as its ecology and behavior.
It'll be on Sunday Feb 26th at 8pm CET, so right before our Ottercine!
There'll be lots of otter lovers attending, including hopefully some familiar faces.
Grab your tickets here (they're cheap):

>> No.3397  

Just signed up, it sounds like a good time.

File: 1671138512147.jpg -(47480 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
47480 No.3285   [Reply]

Marine otters are the only otter species living fully in coastal environments, apart from sea otters.

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>> No.3288  
File: 1671138758910.jpg -(893832 B, 1426x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

These otters are relatively small. An adult marine otter can reach 6 kg, where a sea otter can weigh up to 45 kg.

>> No.3289  
File: 1671138864028.jpg -(172037 B, 741x546) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Another name for the marine otter is sea cat.

>> No.3290  
File: 1671139264306.jpg -(91781 B, 1307x1206) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A very special otter indeed.

>> No.3299  
File: 1671346109120.jpg -(214356 B, 584x584) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wow, that's a bunch of cool facts! I always thought the marine otter was cool, but I didn't know all this stuff about it

>> No.3392  

>>3288 Wow, that's one small otter. Especially for a marine mammal. Doesn't make it any less otter of course.

File: 1648631856360.jpg -(33610 B, 446x429) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
33610 No.2356   [Reply]

I love otters!

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>> No.2921  

>>2915 That's one scary otter, wouldn't wanna get in his way

>> No.2926  

I like this otter, they look so proud of themselves. Thanks for sharing anon!

>> No.3164  
File: 1669846455936.jpg -(188304 B, 800x1203) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3380  
File: 1676255395773.png -(9881 B, 800x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I get it

>> No.3381  
File: 1676302898689.png -(443257 B, 1696x2256) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Found this on my hard drive

File: 1633895911677.jpg -(33378 B, 720x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
33378 No.1900   [Reply]

It's an otter's rear end.

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>> No.3126  
File: 1668858511781.jpg -(49815 B, 720x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3131  

This one has a much fatter tail

>> No.3134  

Could just be the perspective.
What otters have the thickest tails?

>> No.3295  
File: 1671224391934.jpg -(247031 B, 800x535) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't know about the thickest, but neotropical otters have the longest tails relative to size. It's why they're called lontra longicaudis.

>> No.3378  


File: 1616244830699.jpg -(285270 B, 1242x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
285270 No.429   [Reply]

Let's put all otter physics debate into one thread

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>> No.467  
File: 1616504329126.jpg -(169393 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters are perfectly shaped just as they are.

>> No.476  

I have to agree with >>467

>Otters are perfectly shaped just as they are.

In any dimension or realm, the Otter will be conformed to the Perfect Shape for that Sphere of Reality. In our 3D world, the 3D Otter represents the perfect fluidity of God-in-Motion as river-dwelling apex carnivore/Olympic cuddler.
Howeevr, if viewed in quantum space, the Otter will indeed be a very different shape: it will conform itself into the most perfect expression of God-in-Motion for that dimension.
Thus, the Otter is always perfectly adapted for maximum beuaty according to its local environment.

>> No.1710  

You get smartier just reading this thread

>> No.3360  
File: 1675194653375.mp4 -(15437962 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters make more sounds than just their squeaks, I've found. Even just sniffing to find out information about their environment can create otter sounds

>> No.3362  

Those are some very curious otts! I'm always surprised at how fast otters can be on land. I expect them to be fast in water, but I forget they can just be generally speedy.

File: 1670116259742.jpg -(229252 B, 838x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
229252 No.3174   [Reply]

Why do otters kind of look like seals sometimes? Not fully so but still. By the way, do you guys think otters resemble any other animals, at least in like one otter pic from 2002 or something at least? Would be cool to know

>> No.3241  
File: 1670145023756.jpg -(68646 B, 1024x576) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They can kinda look like big mice, I think.

>> No.3324  


>Why do otters kind of look like seals sometimes?

More like seals look like otters!

But in all actuality, I think that it's because they're both marine animals, and thus are adapted to move best in those types of environments

File: 1644857947257.png -(311348 B, 715x498) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
311348 No.2238   [Reply]

Otterbots have been used before to make close up recordings of sea otters. What other uses could otterbots have? Industry, research, espionage or military purposes perhaps? An amphibious four legged robot would seem like a very useful thing, and otters are of course the perfect template.

Here is a pretty cool example: http://edge.rit.edu/edge/P18229/public/Home

>The goal of this project is to design an amphibious robot which can mimic the movements of otters both in and out of water. The final product should be able to swim at the surface of water, walk on land, and transition between land and water. The expected result is a functional prototype with systems that can ultimately be used in other devices for military, investigation, and research purposes in the future.
>> No.2239  
File: 1644858194947.gif -(24111430 B, 600x338) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just doesn't have quite the otter energy yet.

>> No.3307  

>>2239 It's doing a good job simulating a very tired otter.

File: 1671174756375.jpg -(33999 B, 720x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
33999 No.3291   [Reply]

After a long and fulfilling life, Bishan Mum passed away peacefully last night. Otter watchers noticed her deteriorating condition in the past week, as she distanced herself from her family to spend her last days alone. Yesterday, she chose a holt as her resting place, which she never came back out. Bishan Mum will be remembered, as will Bishan Dad, who passed a few years ago. They were among the most famous and inspiring otters of our time.

(Source ottercity)

>> No.3300  
File: 1671349089359.png -(5930 B, 247x204) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh no, that's so sad! I'm gonna miss Bishan Mum, she was such an important part of bringing back otters in Singapore, what with all the babies that she had. Still, at least she went in a peaceful way. :(

>> No.3301  

She did have a lot of babies, IIRC it was over 40. She really left a great legacy

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