world map of otter conservation activities, projects, NGOs etc. It's still in development as of now. Please try it out and tell me if it works for you or if there's any bugs.I'd like this to be a complete and up to date overview of all our activities, so this thread is also a place to share suggestions, updates and submissions. If you have anything you'd like to see on the map please post it in this thread and I'll add it!
A world map of otter conservation activities, projects, NGOs etc. It's still in development as of now. Please try it out and tell me if it works for you or if there's any bugs.
I'd like this to be a complete and up to date overview of all our activities, so this thread is also a place to share suggestions, updates and submissions. If you have anything you'd like to see on the map please post it in this thread and I'll add it!
>>3506Wow, this is really cool. Otterchat is really growing to encompass some cool ideas, and I think it's just super cool Seems like it works, as far as I can tell, although it might be cool if there could be some sort of a way to see what conservation each dot represents? I don't know how tough that would be though
>>3506Wow, this is really cool. Otterchat is really growing to encompass some cool ideas, and I think it's just super cool
Seems like it works, as far as I can tell, although it might be cool if there could be some sort of a way to see what conservation each dot represents? I don't know how tough that would be though
Added:>Otters are monitored annually by snow tracking method (The Finnish Natural Resources Institute)
>Otters are monitored annually by snow tracking method (The Finnish Natural Resources Institute)
>>3507>it might be cool if there could be some sort of a way to see what conservation each dot represents?Good idea, I could add some kind of key to differentiate them, maybe using different shapes or colors...
>it might be cool if there could be some sort of a way to see what conservation each dot represents?
Good idea, I could add some kind of key to differentiate them, maybe using different shapes or colors...
Some technical updates:Added key (circle = OSG membership, square = otter project/NGO/etc.)Improved zoom featureFixed pop ups not showing on Safari
Some technical updates:
Added:> A long term monitoring project on giant otters in Peru conducted by Frankfurt Zoological Society.
> A long term monitoring project on giant otters in Peru conducted by Frankfurt Zoological Society.
Added:>Distribution Survey For Otters In Sikkim, IndiaSunita Khatiwara and Karma Choden Bhutia (2020)
>Distribution Survey For Otters In Sikkim, India
Sunita Khatiwara and Karma Choden Bhutia (2020)
The North East Otter Network is a group for otter enthusiasts and conservationists in north east England. We run a survey of our area every year at the end o f April using the Snapshot Survey method. We also collect road kill and other dead otters to send to the Cardiff University Otter Project for post mortem.
Added:>Projeto Lontra Viva>First systematic survey of otters (Lutra lutra) in Ladakh, Indian Trans Himalayas>Assessing the distribution pattern of otters in four rivers of the Indian Himalayan biodiversity hotspot>Distribution, threats and community perceptions of otters in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal>Distribution survey for otters along a river in central Bhutan>A national survey of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Mongolia
>Projeto Lontra Viva>First systematic survey of otters (Lutra lutra) in Ladakh, Indian Trans Himalayas>Assessing the distribution pattern of otters in four rivers of the Indian Himalayan biodiversity hotspot>Distribution, threats and community perceptions of otters in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal>Distribution survey for otters along a river in central Bhutan>A national survey of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Mongolia
WWF-Hong Kong has launched an otter conservation project in Hong Kong, with a focus in the stronghold Mai Po Nature Reserve and Deep Bay wetlands. We are working with a multi-faceted approach to collect more scientific information about the population and spatial use of otters through collaboration, engagement and public education. Our works cover camera trapping, sign survey, genetic analyses, conservation dog trial, citizen science and a series of awareness-raising activities with various partners.
It really is great to see how many groups there are working to conserve otters out there all over the world
>>3570Sure is and I hope it'll be more in the future
Added:>Return of the Eurasian Otter in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
>Return of the Eurasian Otter in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Added:>Upper Peninsula River Otter Project >We are using snow tracking, camera traps, and DNA from harvested otters to examine the connectivity of river otter populations in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We are also interested in how this connectivity affects the otter population size and distribution of disease particularly Toxoplasma gondii.
>Upper Peninsula River Otter Project >We are using snow tracking, camera traps, and DNA from harvested otters to examine the connectivity of river otter populations in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We are also interested in how this connectivity affects the otter population size and distribution of disease particularly Toxoplasma gondii.
Arcane Conservancy is currently working with Maharashtra State Forest Department and Local Communities for long-term Otter Research and Awareness Programmes in Coastal Maharashtra.
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