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File: 1679649638047.jpg -(19371 B, 280x239) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
19371 No.3536  

There's some pretty weird looking things going on here.

>that ant trail through the Himalayas
>that random blob in Uzbekistan
>those giant gaps in central Asia and China
>that random spot in south India

How accurate is this map? And what's the explanation for these things?

>> No.3560  

I don't know all of the answers, but I imagine it rests largely on local features. Maybe there're particular spots with enough water for otters due to rivers that surrounding areas don't have. I am also curious about the Indian and Malaysian spots though

>> No.3608  

I know their range in Norway is somewhat spotty. North of Bergen their coastal population is viable and I really wanna make a sadafari trip there to spot some. Otherwise southwards their coastal population have never made a real comeback after the acidic precipitation of earlier times. Inlands is nothing to speak of as of yet except a small populations. I really hope they make a comeback inlands as well and outcompetes the american mink

>> No.3641  

I was looking at a map of the orca population recently, and I noticed how the population is depicted as being present around islands but not in the sea between those islands and the coasts. I wondered at the time if that was because they might just travel across deeper waters but live mostly in costal waters, but it could also be that coasts are where people are to spot orcas.

Point is, I'm wondering if some of the oddities of this map are being driven by humans being in the area to spot otters, or the population being able to identify an otter as an otter and not some other small wildlife. Otters can be sneaky after all, an otter in the underbrush at night would certainly be hard to ID.

>> No.3670  
File: 1687585323542.jpg -(1592921 B, 2292x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Otters can be sneaky after all, an otter in the underbrush at night would certainly be hard to ID

Now this is definitely true! Otters are super sneaky, and most people aren't in tune enough with nature to pay attention to when there's an otter.
pic related
