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File: 1727015262661.jpg -(20104 B, 1024x576) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
20104 No.4078  

Hi everybody! It's Sea Otter Week! I thought, wouldn't it be nice to play Party Animals together for Sea Otter Week, since Otta is a sea otter? Unfortunately I won't be home for a few more days, so I'm gonna start making a custom game lobby every day from Wednesday until Saturday. It will be called "Sea Otter Week" and be on EU server at 8 pm UTC (the same time as our monthly streams normally happen.) The code will be 0774 (get it? "OTTA" in good old l33t sp34k.) Is anybody interested?:otterium:

>> No.4079  
File: 1727128106561.png -(440617 B, 723x352) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'll try and get in.

>> No.4080  

I don’t know what this game is, how does it work? I might be down to try though!

And my captcha was sea otters, so that feels like a sign

>> No.4083  

Hi otter friends! I'm going to visit a friend this evening. I may be 60 to 90 minutes late, or I could just bring my Steam Deck and make the lobby early and give ownership to someone else.

Party Animals is free on Xbox game pass. If you don't have that you could also play on friend pass for free but you'll have to share your friend ID I think.

>> No.4084  

I've made the lobby. Feel free to join.

>> No.4085  

Too bad nobody came. Maybe I should just do it on Saturday. Hopefully there will be more people then.

>> No.4086  

I'm sorry for not showing:hiding:, I just have less and less time these days. Unfortunately it's also looking like I won't be able to make it to the videos on Sunday. I promise that I can be counted among the ranks of Otterchat lovers!

>> No.4087  

I feel really bad that I only just saw this post now ;-; Sadly I do not have game pass and crossplay looks to be limited to PC and xbox players, but I will totally get the game on steam if I can still join in tomorrow? This seems like a really cute idea and I love it but it is also kindof short notice, we dont get a ton of daily traffic. Would love to see more stuff like this!

>> No.4091  

I thought you were going to run it again on Sunday, I missed out on that too. :surprised:

>> No.4092  

I tried to join on saturday but there was a tutorial and it took longer than expected and then i was five minutes late and then I couldn't find a lobby. i probably should have posted here but I didnt because I was silly
