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File: 1614865205024.jpg -(170152 B, 800x533) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
170152 No.257  

Otters are really smart. Let's post some otters being clever

>> No.258  
File: 1614865245467.jpg -(42652 B, 600x418) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.259  
File: 1614866449282.jpg -(35392 B, 600x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otter civilization

>> No.262  
File: 1614868148098.jpg -(87595 B, 600x401) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otter Plumber

Where are they going in such a rush?

>> No.265  
File: 1614868547633.png -(1041818 B, 869x636) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otter CEO

>> No.267  
File: 1614868784770.gif -(1471139 B, 365x372) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.284  

Chief Executive Otter?

>> No.299  

Of course. You obviously can't see the filename, but that's the description that I have for that file.

>> No.321  

So is this the CODCT thread?

>> No.324  

Essentially. Preferably an emphasis on clever otters, but I'll take any CODCT

>> No.329  

Well the C could stand for cute or clever.

>> No.330  



Clever Otter Direct Command Team?

>> No.332  

>>330 cute/clever/cheeky otters doong cute/clever/cheeky things.

>> No.333  

>>332 *doing.

>> No.341  

Cucked Otters Delivered Chicken Tendies

>> No.342  



literally impossible

>> No.343  

>>342 this. No idea what he was thinking.

>> No.344  

An otter will let you know what he wants.

>> No.345  

>>344 A fair trade; The otter gets pet, and you get to pet the otter.

>> No.346  

Even though >>332 is technically correct, the idea of a bunch of otters acting as a command team for other otters sounds hilarious. I can just imagine some otts hanging out in a van with sound equipment directing other otters.

>> No.347  
File: 1615675026367.jpg -(40413 B, 460x307) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters don't do that. Their leaders are right on the front line with them. That being said... Coordinated koi pond attacks already happen. Otters know exactly when and where to strike to cause the most financial devastation. Otters are nature's commandos.

>> No.1074  

Brave fearless otter commando. Objective: Survival.

>> No.3361  
File: 1675199079752.jpg -(65490 B, 600x485) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Another otter plumber

>> No.3364  

I found out that otters learn stuff faster after watching friends do that thing. they're so smart! https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.201215

>> No.3365  

>>3364 Apparently, an otter got a 35 on the ACT last year... truly creatures of inestimable intellect.

>> No.3446  
File: 1678219682334.jpg -(43052 B, 480x411) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Waiting in the doctor's office

>> No.3448  
File: 1678219857038.jpg -(62817 B, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Did that really happen?

>> No.3934  
File: 1706353223309.jpg -(74008 B, 680x544) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3935  
File: 1706380852596.png -(559520 B, 602x317) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Foreotter? I wonder what kind of projects they are working on. Maybe its a collaborative otter and beaver river improvement project.

>> No.4052  

So when will otters make complex societies and civilisations?

>> No.4053  

Why would they want to? Civilizations are yucky. :hairynosed:

>> No.4054  

not if they're good societies and civilisations

>> No.4055  

And otters seem like they would make good civilizations

>> No.4056  

Otters have a good civilization

It's called otters

Already perfect the way it is:comfy:

>> No.4057  

I can think one way way to improve it, though, with more otters
