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Otters were nearly driven to extinction in the last 100 years from hunting, habitat loss and pollution. Since then, nature conservation has enjoyed a great wave of public support and laws to outlaw toxic pollutants and to protect endangered species like otters soon followed. This included a ban on hunting otters or disturbing them in any way (as in the UK example). Slowly we've seen these measures succeeding and otters have returned to many regions they had once been driven out from. Based on all this, I'm wondering what the long term goal of otter conservation should be. When otters were still common, they used to be persecuted and everyone used to hate them because they competed with fisheries. Do we just want to go back to that status quo before we nearly drove them to extinction – including returning to hunting and trapping like before?
Will we continue in some kind of legislatively self-controlled state of reduced human activity around otter habitats?
Conservation is pretty much still riding the same wave of public support that began back then. If this wave breaks, what are we gonna do? What if people stop caring about protecting nature again because they don't feel like it's being threatened anymore? Policy will be made based on what the public wants. If politicians don't think people want to protect otters anymore, then how will they be protected?
I suppose these are questions that go beyond just otters, but I'm still curious what you guys think about these things.

>> No.2517  

I feel like, with how modern life is going, conservation is always going to be a necessary thing. Unfortunately, I don't think that modern industry and existence will allow otters, or most animals for that matter, to return to their previous existences, and conservation is going to need to exist to protect otters from evil men in top hats

>> No.2650  

Yep. Otters are still being poisoned to this day. As they once were almost driven to extinction by pesticides, now rodenticides in the water are literally causing otters to bleed to death internally.

The political and legislative efforts to combat pollution have evidently only succeeded in somewhat mitigating and reducing the effects, and never to address the cause. Reform can never be a solution to the suffering industrial society has imposed on the planet. It has pumped the water, ground and air full of chemicals, metals, plastics, radiation, carcinogens, genetic manipulation, and every dark and wicked concoction thought up in the depths of the laboratories that serve the vain economic interests of man. We don't even realize the full extent of the consequences this system is having yet. Plants and animals are now feeling the full force of it, but in the end it will end up in our food, our own bodies. Yes, humans have plastic in our blood now too.
The law doesn't make a difference, notice how the deadly poisoning of the earth has not stopped, it only continues in countries where regulation isn't as strict. Just look up where the most polluted rivers are today. Where regulation is stricter it finds ever new ways to manifest itself that can only be retroactively addressed when the damage is already done.
Is there any escape? Is there even any way that the next 100 years can pass by without worldwide catastrophe the extent of which we have never imagined?
